UC Berkeley CollectionSpace Advisory Group - meeting notes, August 2, 2013

UC Berkeley CollectionSpace Advisory Group – August 2, 2013

Action items

From this meeting

  •  Rick to do JIRA training (if desired)
  •  Chris will create a wiki page with links on it.

From previous meeting (June 28, 2013)

  • CH to work with RJ on first draft of SLA
  • CH to assemble lists of "future" tasks and send to group
  • CH to work with MTB on prioritization process
  • Charter development might wait until we have had a couple meetings
  • RJ to schedule monthly meeting


- Introducing Nancy Goldman, BAM-PFA
   Nancy, you have 1-10 minutes to talk about CineFiles and BAM-PFA :-)  Surprise!

- What's in progress (10 minutes)
Each time we meet, one thing we could do is look at what is in progress.  There are two views of this:
  - an organizational wiki page such as http://wiki.collectionspace.org/display/deploy/UCB+Deployment+Priorities+August-September+2013
  - the Jira tickets that the team uses to identify their work http://issues.collectionspace.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=10770
Note that the second column, key, has an identifier that starts with BAMPFA, PAHMA, UCJEPS, UCBG, or CSPACE to indicate whether the ticket is related to a specific deployment or to the CollectionSpace project in general.

- Group process (20 minutes)
I think it's really important that this group be lead by you museum people, that you're setting the agenda (hopefully with my input and assistance), and so on.  Let's talk!

- CSpace sustainability update (10 minutes)
Some good things going on here.  Rick will bring us some updates.

ATTENDING: Nancy Goldman, Michael Black, Holly Forbes, Andrew Doran, Chris Hoffman, Rick Jaffe (note taker)




1. Intro Nancy

Nancy describes BAMPFA collections: Modern, Asian, other art; 16,000 films and videos; film studies publications and ephemera (reviews, press kits, clippings)

CineFiles -- xdb-based system.

Art collections currently managed in a set of Filemaker databases...some images in Research Hub...

Nancy shows CineFiles web site (www.mip.berkeley.edu/cinefiles).

2. What are we working on

Chris reviews UCB Deployment Priorities August-September 2013 wiki page, Jira system

Michael uses JIRA often to follow issues and to add bug reports, user stories, etc. Andrew, Holly and Nancy can view JIRA pages. For them to create JIRAs, we'll probably need to have accounts created for them by the JIRA administrator.

Action Item: Rick to do JIRA training (if desired)

Discussion of issues to be added -- counts of live genera, for example. Michael has created some. Stats can be very useful. Nancy doesn't want to lose access to CineFiles stats report available in xdb. Andrew asks whether MyCollectionSpace page is dead in the water because it slows down the system too much.

3. Group process

How should this group work?


Michael - Should have a museum person at the wheel as a leader. This group should be driven in large part by needs of museums. A place for museum people to talk, peer to peer.

General agreement.

Holly - Need to learn what other CSpace deployments have. Spent hours yesterday doing things that happen quickly in Business Objects (copying report output into Excel for analysis). ... Where's the Garden's priorities in the list of work to do?

Michael - We have overlapping needs.

Holly - Yes, like a web portal. But we also have individual needs. What kind of bandwidth is there for this kind of work?

Michael - We can look strategically, together.

Nancy - What things do we need that other museums might want? What has been developed already that we can use?

Discussion of nightly exports to denormalized table to power public browsers. All need that. (Andrew is interested in a live connection to web, rather than exporting. For example, to make an eLoan available via web immediately.)

Chris - Service level agreement can be used to give expectations about how much customization per year. Also, to help us budget.

Michael - If museums need more work than IST can afford, this group can work together to get additional resources. Graham Fleming interested if museums act together to help raise funds.

Chris - Fleming didn't know that all four museums are using CSpace. Would love to get the four museum directors together to make a joint pitch.

Michael chosen as first leader, because of his experience.

Nancy (others) - Happy to take a turn after ...

4. CSpace Sustainability – Rick describes discussions with Lyrasis, Mellon.

Questions include UC Berkeley's participation, will there be a fee to engage, and if so, how much?

5. What are we working on - review

Chris passes out a summary of open JIRA issues and gives overview.

Valuable look at what's happening. Can be viewed in JIRA directly. Museum input will be valuable.

Michael - And what's been forgotten: an exhibition module, federated search. (Agreement)

Action item: Chris will create a wiki page with links on it.

Holly: How do we learn what other museums have?

Nancy: Talk among group, at these meetings

Andrew: Each month, one of us could give a presentation.

Discussion about some common needs, including image collections, temporary photos for ID purposes only.